Cloanto’s Amiga Forever 2016 – The Best Gets A Little Better
Note – Amiga Forever 10 R2 (2024 edition) is out, and you can read about that here. You know I love me some Amiga. So, it should be no surprise that, since 1999’s version...
Note – Amiga Forever 10 R2 (2024 edition) is out, and you can read about that here. You know I love me some Amiga. So, it should be no surprise that, since 1999’s version...
What’s significant about this 13 year old video card you ask? It was the first card to feature a blower style cooler that vented hot air from the GPU outside of the back of...
Located just off Bellflower Boulevard in Bellflower, California, in a nondescript building with little-to-no signage, is the L.A. County Fire Museum. Even without the signs, it’s easy to spot by all of the fire...
After my recent do-over on the Eagle 1 model from Space: 1999, I started eyeing another kit to take to the next level. AMT’s old-school model of the Enterprise was the first kit I built...
A while back, I worked on a model kit of the Eagle Transporter from Space: 1999. The old MPC kit was one I had made several times when I was young, and it was one of my...
In 1985, I fell in love with Robotech. I know it’s a polarizing subject among some anime fans, but I’m still a fan to-this-day. So, fair warning, rather than slash everything like, Valkyrie/Varitech, I’m...
I have received my Amiga Visual Compendium1 book package from Bitmap Books/Kickstarter, and, WOW! This book is incredibly beautiful; chock full with edge-to-edge screen-captures of some of the most famous and believed Amiga software...
When I was younger, I had three pretty distinct phases of modeling. Early on, my builds are almost exclusively sci-fi, or star/space ships. Between 10 and my early teens, I’d switched to cars. I...