Amiga Workbench 2.0 Startup/Boot Screen Wallpaper
Released in 1990 to coincide with the launch of the Amiga 3000, Workbench 2 was a familiar, yet different experience for veteran Amiga users. The colorful palette from Workbench 1.x was replaced by a Macintosh’esque monochromatic UI, with lots of drop shadow early 3D trickery. Also gone was the “Hand with the disk” boot screens, replaced by an animated screen featuring the floppy going into the drive. This downloadable ZIP file contains the famous, non-animated, Amiga 2.05 boot screen in multiple resolutions, including: 640×480, 640×960 (great for phones), 1024×768 & 1280×800 (both great for iPads and tablets), 1440×900, 1600×1200, 720P and 1080P.
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