Online Amiga Emulator for Chrome

Amiga emulator for Chrome

Amiga emulator for Chrome

Google engineer Christian Stefansen has released an online Amiga emulator! Although it only works with the desktop Chrome browser, not mobile. But, here’s hoping for mobile support, as it does raise some interesting possibilities for iDevice and Android users with Chrome installed, now doesn’t it?

Be sure to check out our rest of our Amiga stuff. Great wallpapers/backgrounds, icons, fonts, demos and more for your computer, tablet and smartphone.

Mike Knotts

Mike Knotts was born in 1968 in a small town in southern Indiana. Even when very young, Mike showed a love for all-things technical and sci-fi. Moving with his family to California in the early 80's, he eventually graduated from UC Santa Barbara with a degree in History. Rather than put that to good use, Mike continued to pursue his passion for technology by working for early, regional ISP's in the mid 1990's. He currently resides in the Pacific Northwest, where he works as a project manager for an Internet startup. Mike is a co-founder of Geekometry.

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1 Response

  1. Marty McFly says:

    Google does it everything to increase Chrome usage for receiving more user information. Even with an Amiga emulation. Thanks, but Chrome never! I’m a Firefox user 🙂

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