Tagged: book

Hardcover copy of "Art Of Atari", by Tim Lapetino.

“Art Of Atari” Review

“Art Of Atari“1 by Tim Lapetino is wonderful, and should be considered the definitive visual-history of, not just the artwork used on game cartridge boxes, but of Atari and its video game products (home and...

Hardcover copy of "The Future Was Here: Commodore Amiga", by Jimmy Maher.

“The Future Was Here: Commodore Amiga” Review

Published in 2012 under the Platform Studies series by MIT Press, Jimmy Maher’s “The Future Was Here – Commodore Amiga“1 is, without a doubt, the single most comprehensive study of the Amiga yet published.  The book...

Amiga Workbench 2.05 Bootscreen.

Amiga Workbench 2.0 Startup/Boot Screen Wallpaper

Released in 1990 to coincide with the launch of the Amiga 3000, Workbench 2 was a familiar, yet different experience for veteran Amiga users. The colorful palette from Workbench 1.x was replaced by a...

Commodore Amiga - a visual compendium, by Sam Dyer

Amiga Visual Compendium on Kickstarter

Sam Dyer, a graphics designer from Bath, UK, and the force behind Bitmap Books, has created a Kickstarter campaign for a very cool looking book, “Commodore Amiga – a visual Commpendium“. Sam already has a...